Russia reduced oil exports by 1.9% to 97.6 mln.tons in Jan-May, Rosstat

Oil exports from Russia went down by 1.9% in January-May 2013 against the same period last year and made up 97.6 million tons,according to the materials of Rosstat.

The gravity of the crude oil in a total volume of the Russian export made up 34.1% in January-May, and 47.8% in the export of fuel-energy products (in Jan-May 2012 – 35.5% and 49.6% respectively). RIA Novosti reports.

According to the comparative data of Rosstat as for oil production (excl. gas condensate) in the Russian Federation and other leading countries-exporters of this raw material, Russia produced 10.251 million barrels of oil a day in May 2013, while the OPEC countries – 30.567 million barrels of oil a day in total (incl. Iraq and Saudi Arabia – 3.123 and 9.367 mln. barrels a day respectively). In May, Russia kept the leading position on production volume. It went ahed of Saudi Arabia in July last year.

The average actual export price of oil went down by 4.8% in May against April 2013 and made up $687 per a ton. While the world price of the Russian exported oil Urals made up $746.6 per a ton (+1.2% against April 2013).

According to the Central Dispatch Department of the Fuel and Energy Sector, Russia increased oil and gas condensate production in January-June 2013 by 0.8% to 258.5 million tons against the same period last year. The Ministry of Energy expects oil production in Russia to make up 505-510 million tons a year before 2020.

Translated by Iraida Idiyatova

Oil and Gas, Metals and Mining, News from Russia and neighbouring countries
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