Max Petroleum in new oil find in Kazakhstan

Max Petroleum focused on prospecting and production of oil and gas in the republic of Kazakhstan stated that the appraisal well UTS-10 at the deposit Uytas has been drilled to the depth of 484 meters. According to the company, the openhole logging of the well showed 9 meters of net oil thickness at cretaceous and Jurassic beds. There was monitored 3 metres of net oil thickness at the cretaceous bed at Aptian stage within the interval of bedding of 40 meters with oil showing at a depth of 125-165 meters. The well UTS-10 has been drilled downdip on the periphery of the structure and confirms the location of an oil-drainage boundary at the Aprial stage, which was also monitored at the previous bore hole, drilled in the central part of the structure. There exists 6 metres of an effective oil height within the interval of bedding 48 meters with oil showing at a depth of 328-376 meters at the Jurassic interval. The beds quality is excellent. There were opened oil show in the interval of 46-58 meters during the drilling at the Albian Stage. The openhole logging of the Albian Stage was not completed because of an expansion of the well bore within this interval. The company is about to finish the drilling and carry out testing in a short time.

The drilling unit ZJ-20 Zhanros will be placed back to the Block E for drilling of a development well BOR-4 at the deposit Borkyldakty, which was to start full industrial development in accordance with the permit, got from the government.

As it was already stated, Max Petroleum Plc owns the blocks “A” and “E” of the contracted territory Eastern Alibek and the block Astrakhansky. An auditor Ryder Scott Company estimated the resources of the company at 10.6 million barrels (2P cat.) and 14.6 million barrels (3P cat.), as of March 31, 2012.

Translated by Iraida Idiyatova

Oil and Gas, Metals and Mining, News from Russia and neighbouring countries
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