Shebelinsky GPP reduced processing by 11.8% in Jan-February

Gas condensate processing at the Shebelinsky treatment plant (GPP, a part of a public joint-stock company “Ukrgasdobycha”) went down by 11.8% to 98.5 thousand tons in January-February 2013 against the same period in 2012. “Interfax-Ukraine” reports citing the source in the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry.

According to a statement, GPP reduced petrol production by 18% to 54.7 thousand tons, diesel fuel – by 6.4% to 25 thousand tons and increased residual oil production by 9.2% to 13 thousand tons over the 2 months of the current year.

In 2012 the Shebelinsky GPP decreased gas condensate processing by 2.5% to 663.4 thousand tons in 2012 against 2011.

As OilNews reports, oil and gas condensate processing at the Ukrainian oil refinery and Shebelinsky GPP went down by 60.8% to 259.9 thousand tons in February 2013 against February 2012.

Translated by Iraida Idiyatova

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