EU could pay Ukraine’s gas debt

The Austrian Economics Minister, Reinhold Mitterlehner suggested that the EU could cover the Ukraine’s debt for gas. However, it is not clear if the EU is ready to support such an initiative.

The politician said that a political solution on an EU level was necessary to prevent the gas disputes between the Ukraine and Russia.

“We are ready to face crisis situation. I can guarantee we will survive winter,” he said.

At the same time he stated it was necessary to search for political resolving of the question, otherwise the EU will have problems.

On June 20th, special gas coordination committee will hold a meeting to solve “gas problems” in the Ukraine.

On June 16th, Russia introduced prepayment system for the Ukraine and halted gas supplies to the country.

Naftogaz and Gazprom have turned to the Stockholm International Arbitration Court.

The Ukraine wants a revision of a contract and determine “adequate” price for gas. While the Kremlin wants its money at $4.5 billion for the supply of gas to the Ukraine.

Translated by Iraida Idiyatova

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