
The Oil Transporting Joint Stock Company "Transneft" was established according to the Decree #1403 of the President of The Russian Federation dated 17 November 1992 and by the Decision #810 of the Government of Russian Federation dated 14 August 1993. The constitutor is the Government of the Russian Federation. JSC “Transneft” was registered by Moscow Registration Chamber on 26 August 1993, certificate # 026.800.
The main branches of activity are the following:
- Rendering the service of oil and oil products transportation via the system of trunk pipelines inside and outside Russian Federation
- Execution of the preventive, diagnostic and fallback recovery works on trunk pipelines
- Coordination of the activity aimed to develop the network of trunk pipelines and other objects of pipeline transport
- Cooperation with pipeline companies of other countries, regarding the problem of transportation of the oil and the oil products according to intergovernmental agreements
- Participation in solving the problems of scientific, technological and innovational development in pipeline transport, as well as introduction of new equipment, technologies and materials
- Finding the investments for developing the production basis, amplification and reconstruction of the objects of the “Transneft” organizations
- Organization of works aimed to preserve the environment in the areas, close to the objects of the pipeline transport.
“Transneft” in round figures:
- Around 70 thousand km of linear pipelines
- Over 500 pumping stations
- Over 20 millions cubic metres of reservoirs
- Transportation of 93% of Russian oil
Authorized capital stock. Safety stock.
JSC Transneft is a subject of natural monopolies, 100% of voting stocks are in federal property. Authorized capital stock of JSC “Transneft” is 7 101 722 (seven million one hundred one thousand seven hundred twenty-two) roubles.
Recently realized projects
Skovorodino – China’s border
Within the project “Skovorodino – China’s border” 63,4 km of pipeline of the diameter 720 mm was constructed, its capacity is 15 million tons per year. The infrastructure objects have also been built.
In December, 2009 the object of oil pipeline system “Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean” was introduced to work. As well as that, the first tanker with oil of the type “ESPO” was loaded.
Current projects
TRANSNEFT JSC is realizing the second step of the project of East Siberia – Pacific Ocean pipeline system, that presupposes building of a main trunk pipeline at the section of oil pipeline system named Skovorodino – Kozmino SMNP (ESPO-2) and subsequent increase of capacity of Taishet GNPS – Skovorodino NPS line which had already been built, up to 50 million tons of oil per year (extension of ESPO-1).
The BPS-2 project includes building of a trunk pipeline of 1020/1067 mm diameter and of 1.000 km total length, of capacity of 30 million tons of oil per year, building of two oil pipeline systems, reconstruction of the following functioning oil pipeline systems: Unecha OPS No.1, Andreapol OPS No.5, building of Ust-Luga petroleum tank farm.
Purpe – Samotlor
The aim of the project is to ensure the increase of the volumes of oil transfer through the pipeline system “Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean” from Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the North of Krasnoyarsk Krai, including the Vankor Field.
Zapolyarye – Purpe
The construction of the oil pipeline Zapolyarye – Purpe (overall capacity of 45 million tons per year) is planned in order to transport the oil from new basins of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the North of Krasnoyarsk Krai.
Tihoretsk – Tuapse-2
The project of construction of oil pipeline Tihoretsk – Tuapse-2 is meant for the increase of the volume of oil deliveries to the Tuapse oil refining plant. The estimated length of the oil pipeline will be 247 km, the capacity will be 12 million tons per year.
The amplification of CPC
The oil pipeline Tengiz – Novorossiysk of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) is intended for the export transportation of Russia’s and Kazakhstan’s oil through the sea terminal of CPC.
Perspective projects
The project “South”
It is the project of construction of the oil product pipeline “Syzran – Saratov – Volgograd – Novorossiysk”.
The realization of the project Burgas – Alexandroupolis will create a new route, which will permit to transport Russian and Caspian oil from the ports of Black Sea to the port of Burgas (Bulgaria) in tankers and afterwards to Alexandroupolis (Greece) via oil pipeline, with further transshipment into tankers and transportation to the world markets.
The length of the oil pipeline will be 550 km, the capacity is estimated to be 50 million tons per year. The project is meant to create a competitive route of oil transportation and solve the problem of the overloaded straits of Bosphorus and Dardanelles.
- Matthias Warnig - Chairman of the Board of Directors of TRANSNEFT JSC
- Nikolay Tokarev - Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President of TRANSNEFT JSC
- Andrey Volkov - Member of the Board of Directors of TRANSNEFT JSC
- Olga Kostina - Member of the Board of Directors of TRANSNEFT JSC (Independent Director)
- Igor Makarov - Member of the Board of Directors of TRANSNEFT JSC
- Rayr Simonyan - Member of the Board of Directors of TRANSNEFT JSC (Independent Director)
- Ilya Shcherbovich - Member of the Board of Directors of TRANSNEFT JSC (Independent Director)
Head Office
Address: 119180, Moscow, ul.Bol'shaya Polyanka, d.57
Phone: +7 495 9508178
Fax: +7 495 9508900, +7 495 9508168
E-mail: [email protected]
PR department
+7 495 9508883
Press Service
+7 495 9508794